Every homeowner dreads the day they realize rodents like mice and rats have made their way into the house. To deal with this situation, you need to arm yourself with as much knowledge about these pests as possible. Here is a guide for any homeowner will is experiencing or will experience this state of affairs.


Naturally, if you see a mouse or rat in the kitchen or bedroom, then you know for certain that these critters have made their way into your home. But even if you are not able to see them, the pests could still be inside the house, so it's important to check regularly for signs of their presence.

One of the main signs is droppings near food packaging or in cupboards or drawers, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Another sign, the agency notes, is spotting materials that rats and mice use to build their nests, such as scraps of paper or fabric. Also, look for any signs that they have been chewing on your food packages. Listen for any strange noises coming from your walls or ceilings as well.


You can take a number of steps to make your home as unattractive as possible to rats and mice and, hopefully, prevent them from making themselves comfortable in your house. First, plug up any small holes that you find around the perimeter of the house. Make certain that no food or crumbs are left lying on the kitchen counters or on the floor. All food should be kept in airtight containers.

Other important steps include removing all clutter from the interior of your home and keeping any bushes or shrubs near the foundation of your house well-trimmed. Keep your garage neat and tidy also.


If you notice any signs that rodents have made it into your house despite your efforts at prevention, it's vital that you respond as soon as possible. Rats and mice breed rapidly and, if you wait to deal with the situation, you could end up with a large infestation. One of the reasons you need to act quickly is that these pests can be harmful to your and your family. Rat bites can result in an infection called rat bite fever, while other diseases such as hantavirus and leptospirosis are also carried by mice and rats.

The best response to any rodent issue is to leave the job to a professional. For more information about this topic, talk with a rodent exterminator near you.
